For information about works and exhibitions:
Galeria Francisco Fino
Rua Capitão Leitão 76
1950-052 Lisboa, Portugal
Robert Morat Galerie
Linienstrasse 107
10115 Berlin, Germany
Pierre von Kleist editions

Exhibition ‘Aqui e em Todo o Lado’ (’Here and Everywhere’)
Brotéria, Lisboa
More information here
‘A room before a window’
crosscurrent magazine issue 4
edited by José Pedro Cortes, Clarke Ruddick and Emily Schofield

Patrícia, 2022
4 screen video, 16 min.
‘Dawn is at gates’
Double Magazine #45
edited by José Pedro Cortes, Carina Frey, Stefanie Barth and Fabrice Paineau

Selected work and exhibition views

Workout 7M, 2018, HD Video, 9’40’’

1000 Words Magazine
10 Year Anniversary Edition
Includes ‘10 portfolios from artists who, we believe, have built significant bodies of work and emerged as increasingly influential practitioners in the past decade. Those individuals include José Pedro Cortes, Laia Abril, Edmund Clark, Esther Teichmann and Zanele Muholi to name but a few.‘
Includes ‘Planta Espelho’ with a text by Francesco Zanot.